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Decaffeinated coffee

Decaffeinated coffee, also known as decaf, is coffee that has had most of its caffeine content removed. In reality, decaf is not completely free of caffeine—it may contain between 0.1% and 0.3% of the original amount. Although it’s impossible to entirely remove caffeine from coffee, decaf remains the best choice for those who, for various reasons, need to avoid this substance. The intake of such a small amount of caffeine will not adversely affect the consumer's body. When is it worth choosing this product?

When is it worth choosing decaf?
For whom?
Specialty Quality
Fresh Roasting

When is it worth choosing decaffeinated coffee?

Decaffeinated coffee has its caffeine content removed at the initial stage of bean processing. Decaffeination can be done naturally or using chemicals that remove the compound responsible for coffee’s stimulating effect. In the case of the decaf available at JAVA Coffee, this is a natural decaffeination process, specifically the Sugarcane E.A. Decaffeination method, which uses water vapor. By removing (in the vast majority) this substance from the beans, the coffee loses its stimulating properties. This means that coffee brewed from beans subjected to the decaffeination process will be entirely safe, including for pregnant and breastfeeding women, or for people who have trouble sleeping or suffer from high blood pressure. At JAVA Coffee, we offer two types of roasts for our decaf: dark – for brewing with an espresso machine or moka pot, and light, dedicated to pour-over methods, so you can match the beans to your preferred brewing method. If you’d like to learn more about our products, contact us!


The lack of caffeine means that coffee no longer has a stimulating effect. Its consumption, therefore, does not affect the quality of sleep or the process of falling asleep. Even in larger quantities, this type of brew does not lead to irritability or excessive stimulation. At the same time, removing the stimulating substance from coffee also reduces its digestion-boosting properties. In return, decaf turns out to be a rich source of antioxidants and minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, and niacin. It is also gentler on the stomach, making it a better choice for people with digestive issues.

Who is it for?

As mentioned, decaf successfully replaces regular coffee for people who need to limit their daily caffeine intake. This includes pregnant women, breastfeeding women, or those who have trouble sleeping, suffer from headaches, or have indigestion. Decaffeinated coffee is also a good choice for those who don’t want to give up the pleasure of enjoying a small espresso or cappuccino in the evening but are concerned about their sleep quality or other adverse effects of exceeding the recommended maximum caffeine dose, which is 400 mg per day.

Which decaf coffee to choose – whole bean or ground?

Both whole bean and ground decaffeinated coffee may have a slightly milder taste than coffee that has not undergone the decaffeination process. However, it will still allow you to brew an aromatic and complex-tasting coffee. If you want to enjoy the flavor profile of coffee rather than its energizing properties, choose high-quality decaf, preferably 100% Arabica from the specialty segment. You can opt for coffee beans or ground coffee, depending on your preferred brewing method. Both options have their advantages. Beans ground just before brewing have the most intense flavor. If you don’t have a coffee grinder at home or simply don’t know how to grind the beans properly, a good solution for you would be to purchase freshly ground beans from our roastery. All our coffees are packed in bags designed for proper storage, ensuring they retain their aroma for a long time, even after grinding.

Specialty Quality Decaf

Many people worry that decaf is a tasteless product. However, this cannot be said about specialty quality products, as coffee from this segment is carefully selected and undergoes rigorous quality tests—it must receive a score of at least 80/100 from professional Q-graders. Our decaf is Colombia Cauca, beans from Colombia grown at altitudes of 1,600-1,820 meters above sea level, where the entire cultivation process is carried out using traditional and ecological methods. Specialty segment products are Arabica beans valued for their delicate, highly complex taste, in which you can detect various profiles—from fruity and floral to chocolatey. In the case of our decaf, these are notes of strawberry, jasmine, and pomegranate. So, if you enjoy coffee with fruity notes, you will not be disappointed.

Freshly Roasted

To enjoy the best flavor and aroma of coffee, it’s important to pay close attention to the roast date. Only freshly roasted coffee can provide you with the full sensory experience. For this reason, coffees from our roastery are roasted no more than 7 days before being shipped to the customer. You can order them as whole beans or pre-ground. This way, you won’t have to worry about how to grind the coffee for your chosen brewing method. Importantly, at our roastery, you have the option to order a coffee subscription, through which we will regularly send your chosen product to a specified address, ensuring it’s always at hand.

Decaffeinated coffee can be consumed much more frequently than traditional coffee. If you love the ritual of drinking this black brew or are an enthusiast, but your health condition doesn’t allow you to enjoy it as often as you’d like — choose the best quality decaf from our roastery!

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