Kawa speciality do ekspresu

Specialty coffee for espresso machine

Specialty coffee for espresso machines is usually a medium roast, and less commonly a dark roast. Many claim that specialty-grade coffee brewed using pour-over methods has the best and richest flavor. However, this is not entirely true, as a properly blended and roasted bean works just as well with pressure-brewing methods. So, what is specialty coffee, and which type is best suited for an espresso machine?

Type of beans
How to brew it?
Which product to choose?
Flavor profiles
100% Arabica or blend?

What are the characteristics of specialty coffee for espresso machines?

Specialty coffee for espresso machines is, in simple terms, coffee of the highest quality. The term "specialty" is used only for beans that score a minimum of 80/100 in rigorous quality tests performed by Q-graders. These coffee sensory specialists evaluate the beans not only for flavor but also for potential defects or uniform roast levels. The selection process for top-quality coffee is so precise that a 100-gram batch of this product cannot contain even one unripe bean. Want to know more about the quality evaluation process that our coffees undergo? Get in touch with us, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions! Our range includes both coffee for pressure-brewing and for pour-over methods. So, what are the characteristics of the first type of beans?

Type of beans

An espresso machine brews coffee under pressure, extracting the maximum aroma and the best flavor. Beans for espresso should not be lightly roasted. The most commonly chosen beans are medium roast, less frequently dark roast. Using this type of bean in an espresso machine allows you to make espresso with a bold but not bitter flavor. You can drink this type of coffee as a standalone espresso, accompanied by a glass of water, or use it as a base for milk-based coffees like cappuccino or caffè latte. In our store, we offer delicious coffee additions such as plant-based drinks from reputable producers or Bacanha syrups. If you prefer tea, we also have something for you. We offer herbal, fruit, white, green, black, or matcha teas, as well as tea-brewing accessories.

How is it brewed?

Specialty coffee is freshly roasted coffee. In our case, the roasting date is never more than a few days old, as we roast the beans on demand and ship them to the customer as quickly as possible. Freshly roasted high-quality beans guarantee maximum aroma and rich flavor. To release this flavor, the beans should be finely ground, preferably using a grinder with steel burrs. The coffee should also be evenly tamped. Brewing takes place at around 88-92 degrees Celsius, with a pressure of about 8.5-9.5 bars. The extraction process lasts about 25 seconds, depending on the beans used, and the resulting brew—if brewed correctly—should be balanced in flavor and finished with a velvety, light brown crema, or delicate foam. In our selection, you will find a variety of coffee-brewing accessories, such as filters, grinders, moka pots, and more, to help you prepare perfect espresso, drip, or refreshing Chemex coffee at home.

Espresso Coffee

Which specialty coffee to choose for espresso machines?

Specialty coffee for espresso machines is high-quality coffee from trusted sources. In the case of Arabica available in our store, the beans come from our favorite producers in Tanzania, Ethiopia, Brazil, Honduras, Papua New Guinea, Costa Rica, and Guatemala. It’s important to note that coffee of this quality comes from small plantations located at altitudes exceeding 2000 meters above sea level. In such conditions, the cultivation is done using traditional methods (hand-picking) and is organic, guaranteeing the beans' true purity and best characteristics. What else speaks in favor of choosing coffee from our JAVA Coffee roastery?

Varied flavor profiles

If you brew store-bought coffee in an espresso machine, you’ll usually taste bitterness. A specialty coffee product is much more complex in flavor but certainly not bitter. In our coffees, you’ll distinctly taste nutty, chocolate, floral, sweet, or fruity notes. Roasting beans to different degrees allows us to create perfect blends with balanced flavor profiles. If you're unsure which one will suit you best, order a test set of five different coffees and try them for yourself.

100% Arabica or blend?

Coffees available in stores—even the seemingly prestigious, higher-priced ones—are often blends of Arabica and Robusta beans. Is such a blend a good choice for espresso machines? In our roastery, we focus exclusively on roasting high-quality Arabica beans. Only this variety of coffee can be classified as specialty. Robusta cannot achieve this status because it is not even evaluated on these terms. This is primarily due to its flavor characteristics. Robusta beans contain higher levels of caffeine but are also more bitter. Arabica has a milder, much sweeter taste, and its flavor profiles vary depending on the growing region and processing method. Nonetheless, 100% Arabica will always be of better quality than a blend with Robusta. In our selection, we offer only blends of Arabica beans from various countries. Specialty-grade coffee for espresso machines is the best choice for any lover of bold espresso or milk-based coffees. If you want to ensure that you’re brewing the best coffee available on the market at home, subscribe to our coffee subscription service and receive regular deliveries of the highest-quality beans right to your door!

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