Polska palarnia kawy

Polish coffee roastery to save Earth – the only planet where coffee occurs

Our Polish coffee roastery, JAVA Coffee Roasters, has been striving for years to introduce new initiatives into its daily work that have a positive impact on the condition of our planet. What happens to our Earth and the natural environment is important to us. Additionally, the changes in the Earth's climate are clearly affecting the coffee plants we love and care for – after all, coffee is at the heart of our work. But what if we want to do even more? Can we contribute beyond caring for the climate and environment? Sometimes, yes. A perfect example is our collaboration with the Eden Reforestation Projects, an organization dedicated to reforesting our planet while employing people from areas that have been deforested in the past.

Organization Characteristics
What is our collaboration?
Reforestation Status

What are the characteristics of the organization our Polish coffee roastery collaborates with?

Our Polish coffee roastery works with Eden Reforestation Projects, a non-profit organization operating in developing countries to restore destroyed natural environments and reforest areas that have undergone severe deforestation over the years. By working directly with communities living in deforested areas and providing them with employment, Eden activates residents struggling with difficult living conditions, improving their livelihoods. Eden Reforestation Projects employs thousands of people, providing them with decent working conditions, necessary tools, and education. On average, thanks to the efforts of Eden Reforestation and its partners, 15 million trees are planted every month! This is an impressive result. As JAVA Coffee Roasters, we are proud to be part of this project.

The Organization's Activities

Eden Reforestation Projects focuses on planting trees native to the local climate to maximize the chances of new forests thriving. They also design their forests following agroforestry principles, meaning that species introduced into an ecosystem are selected to complement rather than compete with each other. Agroforestry areas are structured similarly to forest layers, where plants coexist in harmony, don't compete for resources, and even benefit each other. This approach prevents soil erosion, maintains moisture levels, and optimizes the available area for planting trees. It's the most effective reforestation system, making the best use of available land.

Collaboration between JAVA Coffee Roasters and Eden Reforestation Project

What is the collaboration between our Polish coffee roastery and Eden Reforestation Project?

As a Polish coffee roastery, JAVA Coffee Roasters, we have been a partner of Eden Reforestation Project since March 2021. How does our partnership work? The rules are simple – for every kilogram of coffee purchased from our online store, one tree is planted in Kenya. The choice of the area we are helping to reforest is no coincidence – we regularly feature Kenyan coffee in our offer, as we love the beans from this country, and so do the coffee lovers who shop with us. We couldn't overlook that connection!

Reforestation Status

Every six months, Eden Reforestation Project shares with its partners an updated reforestation status of the areas where ecosystem restoration is being carried out. The latest update was in July of this year, just over two years after we began our collaboration. As of July 28, 2023, thanks to our involvement, over 13,000 trees have already been planted!


Now a bit of math to realize that what we’re talking about isn't just empty words or a PR move – no, no, far from it! What we do is genuine care for the environment, and these actions have a tangible impact on the condition of our planet. A quick mental exercise gives us the clear picture: assuming that a single tree can absorb up to 21 kg of carbon dioxide over its lifetime, and we’ve already planted over 13,000 trees in just two years of collaboration, we find that we've contributed to reducing CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere by 273,000 kg! And this number will keep growing because we don't intend to stop! It's starting to become impressive. Our collaboration with Eden Reforestation Project is incredibly important to us, and we plan to continue and expand it for many more years. Every purchase you make helps make this possible. All of our small, daily decisions shape the world we live in. Thank you for choosing to care for our planet with us. Together, we can achieve more. To learn more about Eden Reforestation Project, visit their website: https://www.edenprojects.org.

Our Polish coffee roastery JAVA Coffee partners with Eden Reforestation Projects
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