Ground coffee 1 kg provides a long supply of fresh, properly prepared beans for preparing an aromatic drink. When deciding to buy a large package, it is worth aiming for high-quality products. Coffees differ in the degree of roasting, country of origin or even cultivation conditions, which is important for the sensory profile. Another important issue is the fineness of the grind, which affects the taste and aroma. Properly selected ground Arabica, properly stored and brewed relatively soon after purchase, will not differ in its qualities from the grain version.
Power and taste
Grinding thickness of grains
Other parameters
Which product will be best?
A varied selection
What should characterize 1 kg of ground coffee?
Ground coffee 1 kg is a product that is available in various variants in the offer of our JAVA Coffee Roasters . We have a wide range of specialty beans, which ensures a wonderful aroma and exceptionally full taste. Our coffees allow you to prepare a sensory and deep drink, which at the same time retains all the advantages of high-quality Arabica. Regardless of the degree of roasting or the thickness of the grind, the beans have many valuable properties. Our coffees have a great effect on metabolism and improve digestion processes, and also contain antioxidants that help fight free radicals. A 1 kg package lasts a long time, which allows you to prepare many portions of your favorite drink.
The power and taste of ground grains
Our coffees are available in several grinding thicknesses. This parameter affects the taste and strength of the finished drink to some extent. As a rule, finer ground beans undergo extraction faster, which is why they can release more caffeine and other substances. It is worth remembering that the grinding degree should be adapted to the preferred method of preparing the drink. As a rule, the longer the brewing time, the coarser the beans must be ground.Grinding thickness of grains
Finely ground coffee has a more intense and expressive taste. Its colour may be slightly darker, and its taste is characterised by a noticeable bitterness. A high degree of grinding works best with medium and dark roasted beans. We recommend fine grinding for making espresso , and medium fine when using a coffee maker . Medium-ground beans are ideal for a small drip , aeropress or pour-over, i.e. coffee brewed directly in a cup. Coarsely ground beans achieve slightly different parameters. In their case, the taste of the drink is milder and the acidity is higher. Lightly roasted beans are best suited for coarse grinding, so the infusion obtained from them is also characterised by a lighter colour. We recommend medium-coarse beans for a large drip and French press . Coarsely ground beans are ideal for a moccamaster drip coffee maker or for making cold brew .Other parameters
Our coffees also differ in the degree of processing. Light roasted beans are ideal for brewing using alternative methods, such as Chemex, Aeropress, drip coffee maker or coffee pot. Dark roasted coffee will be suitable for brewing using a pressure coffee maker , coffee maker, French press or a pot. The Arabica beans that we offer at JAVA Coffee are grown in mountainous areas, which provides them with optimal sunlight, proper exposure to rainfall and ideally low pH of very fertile soil. Our coffees come from plantations with suitable climatic conditions, which has a positive effect on their quality.